Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rick Perry Transperancy

Rick Perry (R-TX) today announced that the candidates running for office should be more transparent. that whoever is running they should release tax information, he also suggested that the President should make his transcripts public. If that is the case should we not make Mitt Romney show use all of his tax returns dating back when he was at Bain Capitol? I have only heard of him releasing two years worth of tax returns. In addition, I would like to know about them accounts that he has outsourced in other countries. I find something weird, in regards of Mitt Romney trying to run for the highest office in the country, and having his money in other countries, does he not trust U.S banks. Video above regarding statement.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Anthony Weiner Comback

Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is trying to comeback to politics, after a sex scandal he was involved 13 months ago. I don't know if you remember, but he was the congress man that took pictures of his crouch and posted it on twitter. He is now trying to make a comeback, but not as a congress man this time he wants to run for either a New York City advocate or even Mayor in 2013. I am not sure if it is to soon for him to comeback into office, with his scandal still fresh on peoples mind. They might start asking question since when he left office there were a lot of unanswered questions.  Rep Weiner left behind questions regarding his situation with an alleged 17 year old that he exchanged messages with.

Disclose Act

 Tonight the Sen Democrats will speak most of the night on a failed campaign finance disclosure bill. This is a bill that was voted on earlier today, but failed to pass due to a filibuster that the Republicans caused. The disclose Act failed to pass due to voting that ended up being 51-44, and in order to overturn the filibuster you need a total of 60 votes. The disclose Act is a bill that allows to report donations of $10,000 or more, so that their identities are known. This will allow to give information on who is funding certain campaigns. This will also provide sunlight on third party contributors known as super PAC's.
(Source: Congress.org, Disclosure Act Fails in Senate, By: Ryan Teague Beckwith)


Hello to all people that are interested in politics. I have created this blog site so that I can start writing about my thoughts on political views. I will also be blogging on other issues that might affect the American people on a day to day basis. I have started this because of what is going on with Congress, and Senate at Capital Hill, on both sides of the isles. I am a Liberal, and tend to lean more to the left of the politicale spectrume, but if an issue arise that I do not agree with I will argue that issue, and question how it will affect the American people.